This site was tested by the following browsers recently (December 2010) and several bugs were fixed during that time. If there are any issues left unresolved, they will be noted below. If you are having any difficulty viewing this site, we would recommend you download, install and upgrade to one of the browsers (latest version) listed below that do not have issues noted to enjoy the web site more fully.

Thank you again for visiting us and look forward to having you back again in the future.

  • Firefox 3.6
    • No issues found using FF 3.6 on Mac or Windows operating systems
  • Internet Explorer 8
    • Inability to collapse list items on RR Standard page using IE 8
    • Internet Explorer 9 will resolve this based on IE9 Beta testing
  • Apple Safari 5
    • No issues found using Safari 5 on Mac or Windows operating systems
  • Google Chrome 8
    • No issues found using Chrome 8 on Mac or Windows operating systems
  • Opera 11
    • No issues found using Opera 11 on Mac or Windows operating systems
  • Mobile Browsers
    • This has not been tested fully on mobile browsers